Who/What Is ARES/ACS?
The Auxiliary Communications Service(Formerly known as the Amateur Radio Emergency Service) is a group of Federally Licensed Amateur Radio Operators, who are Professionally Trained, and Volunteer to help their communities during a Disaster, or other type of event, where conventional communications methods are either offline or hindered. ACS members may be seen on the Emergency Operations Floor of your government or posted at various emergency service centers during a disaster, or providing safety communications for a local event.
Any Radio Amateur no matter their qualifications is always invited to join our group. ARES/ACS is a great opportunity to use your skills for community service.
Harmen Minnema, VE3EMA, is the ARES Group Coordinator for Peterborough City and County in the Severn District.
We would like to thank John deLagran, VE3VL for his years of service as GC, and Martin Ackerman VA3OMW, both are serving as Assistant Group Coordinators.
Emergency Management Ontario Training Links:
Training Main Page
EM125 – Exercise Programs: An Introduction(Self-Study)
IMS100 – Introduction To The Emergency Management System(Self-Study)
2004 Flood Peterborough ARES Activation
On July 15, 2004, the City of Peterborough declared a state of emergency after receiving 220 mm of rain over a period of 12 hours and Peterborough ARES was activated. For details read the article Here

Climate change is affecting telecommunications infrastructure. Ham radio might be able to help
As Atlantic Canada gears up for another hurricane season after a year of unprecedented disasters linked to climate change — including post-tropical storm Fiona last September — amateur radio operators say a simple technology can play a part in the response to disasters across the region. More Here