Weekly NET

Last Modified:

The NET is held each Wednesday evening on VE3PBO repeater (146.625 MHz) at 1900 hours
(7 PM) local time. Please inform Net manager Harmen VE3EMA, if you are unable to control the net on the assigned dates at least three days in advance.

The weekly net’s purpose is to have an exercise in the formal operation of an ARES net as it would be during an emergency activation. It is a directed net and all traffic must be passed through the net control station. Please use your call sign to request net attention and only transmit your message when directed by the net controller. As with any net, all participants are to conduct themselves professionally and follow amateur radio etiquette.

If you would like to volunteer to be a control station please contact Harmen VE3EMA.

NET Control Schedule

Aug 28th, 2024JohnVA3NW
Sep 4th, 2024BarryVE3BLM
Sep 11th, 2024ClayVE3YCL
Sep 18th, 2024BobVE3IEL
Sep 25th, 2024RickVE3IQZ
Oct 2nd, 2024JohnVE3VL
Oct 9th, 2024NinaVE3IRK
Oct 16th, 2024DevonVE3DEV
Oct 23rd, 2024TerryVA3IX
Oct 30th, 2024MartinVA3OMW
Nov 6th, 2024RickVE3RKY
Nov 13th, 2024HarmenVE3EMA